Our Tomorrow - Mix Series
Internet Public Radio, 2021 - 2022

Our Tomorrow is a sonic exploration into utopia, collaborative transformation, and soft revolution via deep-listening, all-genre mixes from visionary artists and collectives around the globe. The curated monthly mix series was hosted by Internet Public Radio from September 2021 - 2022.
Rooted in queer futurity, the show draws a bridge between what's possible in sound to what's possible in society, exploring utopia/dystopia, cooperative transformation, and soft revolution via deep-listening, all-genre mixes. It emphasizes collaboration as a vital practice, which has spawned several long-distance, innovative mixes between various artists. The series has been fortunate to work with a range of visionary artists and collectives, including Salamanda (Seoul), Nexcyia (London), Mitamine Lab (Mexico City), Living Room (Lisbon), amongst others.
In 2022, the show was highlighted by Philip Sherburne for Pitchfork as one of the best mixes of the year:

"For the January instalment of their monthly show on Guadalajara’s Internet Public Radio, Berlin-based musician Slowfoam mixed together a batch of material from Seattle experimentalist Ran Park—songs, snippets, stems—together with some of her own unreleased material. The results are foggy and formless in the best way. The opening passage plays glowing synthesizers off spritzes of static and radar chirps; intimations of electric jazz add depth, and the diffuse atmosphere clears to reveal a simple, poignant piece for piano and flute—one of the “unabashedly aspirational” nods to Ennio Morricone and Ryuichi Sakamoto that Park references in a note accompanying the mix. There’s much more, too: gentle chamber-jazz sketches; glowering reeds; ambient piano; and even, toward the end, a dreamy trip-hop breakbeat. There’s no tracklisting and no clue as to which parts are Park’s and which are Slowfoam’s. It’s best to just close your eyes and let it wash over you."
-Philip Sherburne
