Gravity Pleasure - Record Label & Events Series

Gravity Pleasure is a label and event series that highlights and amplifies the intersection of queer ecology, hydrofeminism, and sound. It centers women, trans, and non-binary musicians working within the realm of ambient, dub, experimental, and leftfield music. Our inaugural compilation, Water Bodies, is forthcoming in June 2025 on cassette and digital formats featuring FLINTA artists working with the following prompt:

Home is a body made of water. Remember.

Close eyes.
Listen to drips; hear voices. What do they tell you?
Make your body a grotto. What does it hold?

Spider’s tapestry: flycatcher.
Roadmap: net of sinews.
Lost in night forest: seek breadcrumbs. Remember?
Body is lighthouse: shine through cloud canopy.
Body is fish: wet is all you know.

Sink deep, fly high, stretch your arpeggio from young to old. Remember.

-Lou Croff Blake

The release will be followed by a series of events in Autumn 2025 in collaboration with forms of minutiae, a publishing platform for sonic ecologies, field recordings, and electroacoustic music. The events are ‘Earth-bonding nights’ are richly dimensional experiences that strengthen ties between our local community and environment by integrating performances with workshops, collaborative speculation, and, yes, pleasure. Gravity Pleasure’s signature aesthetic touch: the performances live score satellite imagery of Earth’s surface. By distorting our perception of scale, speed, and mass, we remind ourselves that we are human bodies belonging to a planetary body, and each of us is part of a pluriversal whole. There is power in gathering under the glow of a beamer to gaze upon the sublime beauty of our shared home.

Gravity Pleasure is currently co-operated by Madelyn and Ashlynn White but maintains a community-centered ethos and collaboration each step of the way.

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