CompilationsRadio Sygma: In Solidarity With Palestine
Selected CommissionsBerlin Fashion Week: Vorn Academy Showcase
Body x(n)
Live Documentation
Transcorporeal Portal
Worlding With Earth
Spring ~.~*~.~
Scenes From A Dream
Important Bodies
Lust + Boredom
Eastern Nurseries: Diving Headfirst Into The Sun
Oscilla Sound: Liminal
Radio Sygma: In Solidarity With Palestine
Somewhere Press: The Blue Hour
Knekelhuis: wasn’t really me
Studio ‘94: A Better Place
Ambient Flux: Synthesis<2
Theory Therapy: Out of Season
Cry Like Donna: Bouquet
secondnature: secondnature & friends
Of Paradise: Vol. 3
Selected Commissions
Wildeye with Shezad Dawood & Daisy Hildyard
Berlin Fashion Week: Vorn Academy Showcase
dajci*collective: Moment_Um
Neonyt Fashion Show SS2023
Body x(n)
I’m Worried About The Future
Transitions - Le lenteur
Live Documentation
The Lab, San Francisco
Cafe Oto, London
Morphine Raum, Berlin
Selected PressBandcamp: The Acid Test
Reach no.11
Selected MixesIntrospective Electronics
Index:Records on Mutant Radio
Our Tomorrow w/ RAN PARK
Booking / Management
Bandcamp: The Best Ambient Music of 2024
DJ Mag
Objects & Sounds
Bandcamp: The Acid Test
Electronic Sound Magazine
Bandcamp: Best Ambient Music
Basta Now
Boomkat: Transcorporeal Portal
Futurism Restated
Longform Editions: First Impression 009
First Floor #210
Reach no.11
Bandcamp: The Acid Test
Futurism Restated: Worlding With Earth
Boomkat: Worlding With Earth
Boomkat: The Blue Hour
Kathodic Webzine: ‘Kindly’
Pitchfork: The Best DJ Mixes of 2022
Selected Mixes
Introspective Electronics
Xpone on Radio Sygma
Index:Records on Mutant Radio
Our Tomorrow w/ RAN PARK
Animix 29
Post-Geography on NTS
Living Room
Mitamine Lab
Expansions on KEXP
Booking / Management
Transcorporeal PortalSomewhere Press
Somewhere Press
LP + Digital
To my ears, Transcorporeal Portal is Slowfoam’s most ambitious album yet; if previous releases sounded like life forms stirring in the primordial ooze, these tracks sound like visions of a deep future in which each amoebic being has evolved a hyper-evolved culture of its own, 10 wildly diverse tracks gesturing toward an infinitude of possible universes, speculative religions, spiritual destinies. The album traverses flutes and processed spoken word; gaseous ambient pads; FM twinkle against a dark sweep of cosmic background radiation; field recordings that sound like a ball of cellophane that’s been crushed and left to slowly expand. Some of my favorite moments feature trance-gated electric guitar that hint at a placid strain of ’90s post-rock. Honestly, I’ve listened to it a dozen times and I’m still struggling to find language for it, or a framework that would help to unlock its secrets. It’s a dazzling record, an immersion in the purest form of sonic pleasure.
-Philip Sherburne, Futurism Restated
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Worlding with EarthMappa
Tape + Digital
Across nine spacious tracks, Worlding With Earth, the new album by Berlin producer Madelyn Byrd, flies through bleary clouds of ambience, flurries of percussion, vibrant field recordings, and the sighing saxophone of contributor Sarah Allada. The sounds are so fleeting they leave your ears wanting more time with each element. The tracks are spacious, full of life and spontaneity. On “Dripping Marshes on Flower Skin,” distorted whispering gels with sounds of insects and birds. Evocative, absorbing and—to borrow the title of one highlight—“Playfully Rendered,” Worlding With Earth is an album full of details that both invite and reward repeated listens.
-Ted Davis, Bandcamp
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Last heard on "A Scene From A Dream", the soniferous realms of Slowfoam and Neilll meet again in the fully collaborative EP "Kindly". Divided by an ocean with digital waves as only means of exchange, their convergence manifests here the cyber-cloud cracks and weaves into a unique form of sonic world building. Voltaic thorns swirl. Melodies cushion. Things flicker. The vapours reach us, radiations too, this feels personal. With its complex emotional ventures and its unannounced turns and ruptures, "Kindly" is an honest and cheeky investigation of the possibilities of connection. A collaboration that takes us deep... far out, or perhaps inwards, into the intricate meanders of the self. It is a moving yet playful journey across the entangled landscape of the in-between.
-Pablo Diserens
Spring ~.*~.~ is an album of fragmented poems, field recordings, digital curiosities and explorations from lockdown in Croatia. The album features a long-distant collaboration with Byrd’s former PNW bandmates, Allyson Foster and Caitlin Payne Roberts. Woven into a semblance of distinct longing and introspection, are threads of nostalgia, warmth, and optimism dipped into a blossoming genre-definant movement through disjointed jazz, fuzzy lo-fi rock, seasick ambient, and obfuscated pop.
Inflorescence is a sonic collage that celebrates the moments between seasons, between homes, between who you were and who you’re becoming. It was made during a reflective period shortly after departing from Seattle, on a venture into the unknown, without a plan or destination. The album’s use of bells tones, textural synths, digital and aqueous tides, and amateur sound design track the first chapter of a journey through Liguria, Athens, Nicosia, Istanbul, Tbilisi, and finally Dubrovnik, where it was released while stranded during the first lockdown. It served as a temporary home, a place to play and spin a web between chapters of transition and belonging. Oscillating between tension and comfort, Infloresence’s rough edges reflects a sense of safety in imperfection and self-assuredness in unprecedented times.
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Jungle Gym Records presents "Scenes From A Dream", official return of the illustrious Slowfoam (Madelyn Byrd). From the breathtaking abstractions of debut "lust + boredom", Byrd pushes even further towards the avant-garde, an artist at the peak of their creative power with a unique and developed voice that is at once timely and timeless. Here, whispered synthetic microcosms are meticulously refined with a palate of chamber woodwind flourishes, precision field recordings and heavily processed vocal passages, woven together by the life-flow vignettes of rippling pools and instinctual momentum. From a place of both high art and universal accessibility, JGT38 finds grandiosity in the smallest of gestures... exclusively for Jungle Gym.
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Important Bodies is a split album by Slowfoam & Painter. It was created during a West Coast trip shortly after they fell in love -- each artist compiled field recordings from the journey into a mash up of their shared affinity for surreal, playful, and textural soundscapes. While the locations and experiences are shared, the album highlights their individual points of view, adding a unique dimensionality to their overlapping world. Shortly following the first trip, they self-released the tape and embarked on a tour that traced the same path from Seattle to LA, stopping along the way in cities and small towns to play chaotic shows and connect with their shared West Coast roots.
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Jungle Gym Records
Tape + Digital
Tape + Digital
Jungle Gym Records presents "lust + boredom," official debut of Seattle's Slowfoam. Drifting through the frothy waves we find ourselves with time to reflect on the past few years, and while the memories are quickly fading, the emotional toll weighs heavier than ever. Haunted voices of doubt and insecurity brush up against our ankles, darting in and out of a dark ambient chamber pop score. What began as a simple day at the beach has spiraled to familiar struggle, trying to keep our heads above water while trapped in the slow slow foam.
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