Sky, A.I.
Audiovisual, 11:41 min., 2021

Sky, A.I. is a raw video created during a month-long residency at AADK in Blanca, Spain. It combines an A.I. generated script, deepfake technology paired with early CGI, psychosomatics, movement, and satellite imagery to explore the emotional and aural connections between self, nature, and cyber reality.

Inspired by the rural environment surrounding Blanca, Sky A.I. depicts the Wild West of technology, once a test site where possible futures and open-source tools held the promise to connect us across time and space, when the internet was a utopian dream. Today, large corporations have harnessed this technology for profit, supplanting a bygone techno-utopia in favour of data extraction and commodification.

However, in Sky, A.I.’s temporary digital universe, hierarchies are subverted and reimagined to expand their scope and reveal a transient digital realm separated from the visibly natural world. Here, faces and bodies contort, A.I. warns of its power, iPhone signals disrupt an avian chorus, facial movements are deepfaked onto early CGI, and the birth of techno-intelligence and a post-human reality emerges in fragmented movements superimposed over satellite views of Vega Alta del Segura to momentarily liberate humans and nonhumans from the binds of bio-techno and Anthropocentric dominance.

Sky, A.I. was first shown at Plan Expositivo in Blanca, Spain at Centro Negra. Special thanks to Tessa Magnuson for improvised movement/dance training, MOLD Collective for their support and guidance, and the lovely team at AADK.