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Output Ritual
Film, 2021, 19:45 min
Released February 23rd, 2021

Output Ritual is a love letter between long distance friends in collaboration, seeking a creative flow and connection during lockdown in 2020. The project engages with the collaborative processes of five queer/femme artists - Tabitha Denson, Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelova, Sharece Anissa Phillips, Tessa Magnuson, and Madelyn Byrd - each residing in their respective homes around the globe. Working in long-distance dialogue, the artists employed their various creative disciplines to explore nuances of isolation, transcend geographical boundaries, and delve into the multifaceted aspects of quarantine life. From examining domestic tensions to the slippery nature of time during the pandemic, the artists collectively navigate and depict the intricacies of their microcosmic existence.

Poetry, sound, movement, and dream-like landscapes intertwine and contort into a surreal soup. The project extends beyond the four walls of the artists’ bedroom cocoons in a collective expedition towards interconnection. Output Ritual holds the digital twin with a delicate optimism, a portal of belonging across time and space.