Gravity Pleasure is a curated event and mix series that invites artists to score thoughtfully selected satellite imagery of our beloved Earth.

Donna Haraway stresses the importance of ‘making kin’ because ‘who and whatever we are, we need to make-with, become-with, compose-with the earth-bound.’¹ Similarly, Gravity Pleasure strives to shift Earth’s scale to create an introspective, deep-listening & viewing environment to form a kindred bond and world with Earth. Rather than depending on Earth as a mother, the project strives for an eco-sensual approach; it creates a space for developing a connection with Earth as a lover who should be cared for and cherished through a mutually supportive relationship rooted in appreciation, affection, and sensual curiosity. The mesmerizing contours of hovering satellite footage unveil Earth’s curves similitude, forging a deepened connection between our corporeal selves and the enduring beauty of the planet we call home. 

¹Haraway, D. J. (2016). Staying with the trouble. Duke University Press.